Time Has No Starting Point
our true essence is timeless
Anna Marie
Time is not a liquid that we can pour into a jug. We can't pour it through our fingers and watch it fall to the ground.
We think there's something called time because we're born, we grow old and then we die. The shape of a cloud changes form, is there time up there? The planets and stars change position is there time in space? Is a flower or a tree concerned with our human construct of time?
Think about how similar a puppy is with a two year old child? They both live in the moment right? The child's brain is in a meditative state until about six years old. That little child pays attention to the people and things that make her feel happy. She has no idea what time it is and would never ask. A puppy just wants food and love. Puppies like a little child are consumed with the NOW because there's nothing else...RIGHT?
Echart Tolle
In our immediate experience there's no such thing as past and future. Time is elusive and has it's existence in the mind. The mind is the movement of thought. To live for the next moment is so deeply engraved into us. This is another way we get stuck in this trap of time. Suffering is present when we're dominated by time. We still have to deal with it on a practical level but we don't need to be dominated by it on a philosophical level.
In the present isn't the past and the future just a thought that we cling to? Is this ego wanting to escape the present moment? Is hope for a better tomorrow tied to ego? Go to your divine essence and there is no time.
We constantly live for the next moment and the next experience. It's so deeply engrained that we don't even realize it.
Aristotle (384-322bc) books V to Vlll of physics
Time, space and movement are all continuous and there are no fundamental units beyond which they cannot be divided. Aristotle reasons that movement must be continuous because the alternative-that objects made infinitesimally small jumps from one place to another without occupying the intermediate space is absurd and counterintuitive. If an object moves from point A to point B, there must be a time at which it is moving from point A to point B. If it is simply at point A at one instant and point B at the next. It cannot properly be said to have moved from the one to the other. If movement is continuous, then time and space must also be continuous because continuous movement would not be possible if time and space consisted of discrete, indivisible atoms.
Aristotle Book IV of Physics argued that time has no independent existence on its own. It only subsists when people are around. We bring it into our existence through our observations.
Time is a human construct to help us differentiate between now and our perception of the past. The concept of time is simply an illusion and made up of human memories. Every thing that has ever been and ever will be is happening right now. There is nothing in physics that shows it should be moving in the forward direction we embrace as a community. The laws of physics are simetric meaning that time could of easily moved in a backward direction as it does forward.
The reason we feel we have a past is because our brain holds memories. Every time we think of an event in the past we relive it and if it was traumatic we can even go into fight/flight mode by thought alone.
Einsteins Unified Space and Time into a four dimension
Physicist argue that there is a block universe where time and space are connected known as space time. This theory has backed up Einsteins theory of relativity, everything is part of a four dimensional structure. Where everything that has happened has it's own ordinance in space time. This would allow everything to be real that the past and event the future are still there in space time making everything equally important as the present. The reason we feel we have past is because our brain holds memories.
Special and General Relativity
Not everyone experiences events in time at the same time. We see lightning bolt hit the ground at the same time. To me it looked like this happened simultaneously but someone traveling the speed of light relative to the ground, one lightning bolt will appear to happen before the second one. In other words an event in my present is in another persons future.
Julian Barber
British Physicist states that everything is a series of now. We move through a succession of NOWS. He says the only evidence we have of last week is our memory. All we have is records and we only have them in the now.

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