The notes below are from Teals first video on this page. I have done this simple work and it's brought incredible inner peace. The haunting past became smaller and smaller and smaller as I did this work. Eventually my past and pain stopped coming up to my conscious mind and this was when I become alert, awake and ready to be present. After doing this work I became in love with myself and then it became much easier to love others. Acknowledging and processing the shadow side has helped me become much more focussed and analytical. I discovered so much about my true wishes and desires after processing my shadows. I'm not freaked out over food and money any longer. Really the benefits are off the chart after doing this work.

Before we come into this life our ego (identity) is one. It is unified and complete. When we come into this world and we begin to become socialized we confront the idea of good and bad, wright and wrong, acceptable and unacceptable. What we start to notice is things that are good get us rewarded and love. Things that are bad get us punished and abandoned. Because of this we split our consciousness from one to two. The ego essentially develops a flip side. Just like there are two sides to a coin. The ego is consciousness and unconsciousness of the singular identity that you call by your name.
What we put in the subconscious is everything we reject about ourselves. It's the unacceptable bits of our being. A large amount of this will be determined by the family you grew up in and the society you grew up in. We all know that those types of groups disagree. The minute you say that something is unwanted or bad you have a reason to suppress it, reason to deny it and reason to ignore it. This is why we become unaware of it. Its basically a coping skill.
We could call this subconscious the shadow because we cannot see it clearly and thus are not aware of it. The concise the light because we can see it clearly and thus we are aware of it.
Separation and devision is not a natural state for anything Integration and wholeness is a natural state for anything. Because of this your subconscious will continually strive to get you to notice it, to pay attention to it, to integrate it.
We see this in our day to day life easily when we get triggered by a situation. For example lets say that our partner doesn't arrive on time. Now we fly into a frenzy while flipping out about it for the next hour. In what seams to be an extreme over reaction to the circumstance. This is the shadow mirroring itself in our reality because it wants to be integrated, it wants you to be aware of it.
Shadow work is nothing more than making the unconscious concise and the unacceptable acceptable. The integration of unconsciousness leads to complete and total awareness.
If it were true that pure positive focus creates a pure positive person and a pure positive vibration then it would stand true who is focusing on something positively at that moment would have a purely clear and positive oric field. Their energy would be purely positive but thats not what is noticed by those who see a persons oric field. What they see is somebody who is purely positively focused like on a puppy still has aora rips/oara tears and imprints in their emotional body. Which means that just because your positively focusing most of the time it doesn't take care of your subconscious imprinting. This imprinting is still in place regardless of the amount of positive focus you maintain.
When we try to ignore, deny and suppress physical and emotional injuries all that happen is they FESTER. Chances are if you focus positively about something your trying to emotionally suppress your just going to be led to somebody who is capable to integrate that particular shadow.
When we are resistant to the idea of shadow work, we are trying to avoid something. When we realize we are using positive focus to avoid something that feels negative to us its time to release resistance to whatever we're trying to avoid.
To release resistance to something we have to turn into the direction of it instead of away from it. Turning away from it is done in a space of resistance to it.
When I say don't think about lemons, you thought about lemons. This is exactly what we are doing on a subconscious level when we are trying to use positive focus to avoid thinking about something we don't want to think about.
It's like saying...."Don't admit to how you feel" over and over and over. Also, "Don't think about how you feel" over and over and over. All we're going to do is keep feeding how you feel. It's then going to magnify and magnify to the degree where it manifests in such an aggressive way that you have no option but to face it.
We are already in resistance to our shadow and shadow aspects in the first place. RELEASING RESISTANCE BRINGS INTEGRATION! By obsessively positively focusing and trying to ignor it and diver our attention from our shadow we only resist it further.
A perfect example of this is Jerry Hicks. Both Jerry and his wife Esther together brought us amazing teaching on the Law of Attraction. Here's a guy who's selling the idea , positive focus means that you cannot e a match to illness. He himself gets cancer. Cancer is always the illness of unfinished business. He grew up extremely poor also experiencing his far reaching dreams constantly crushed. This created a trauma imprint within his being which mirrored his reality. In accordance with their teaching every time that shadow reared its ugly head what he did was try to focus on something else. Trying to avoid that negative emotion by focusing on something positive. Then this particular vibration had no other option but to manifest bigger and farther until he ultimately died as a result of the cancer.
This is not an uncommon story. When we repeatedly ignore, deny what is unwanted it then manifests as an illness that we cannot ignore.
The next step is to be AWARE. Awareness is the next logical step. Consider it shining a flash light into the dark closet to see whats there for the very first time.
Awareness is and of itself will feel like immense relief. It will cause you to feel authentic and grounded with yourself. We fear our shadow, this is why we resist it. By becoming aware of it, we come to understand it. Understanding is the #1 way to diminish fear.
Positive focus works....end of story but there's one major caviot to this rule. One major exception! Positive focus works on everything accept for the things you are trying to use positive focus to avoid. When positive focus is used as a tool to enable your resistance.
Consider this, if we are enthusiastic about positive focus because it feels like a get out of jail card. It means that we have BIG things that we are trying to avoid.
We're like emotional cripples who on one level we know that we're really hurt and on another level we don't want to admit to it.
The law of attraction simply put is the law of mirroring.
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