Our Earth is a limitless source of free electrons that stream into the body only when it is grounded. This infusion of negative ions from the Earth into the body and the discharge of destructive positive ions is essential for well-being. Excess positive ions in the body are associated with disease and degeneration. Negative ions are associated with vitality, good health, and healing. The more time you spend grounded, the less inflammation you are likely to experience, resulting in improved overall health, a sense of calmness, clarity, and vitality. Jumping into a body of water or simply touching the Earth with bare feet starts the process of these negative ions cascading up through your body clearing out positive ions—simple, free and amazing.
Earthing balances OUR Automatic Nervous System
Our (ANS), automatic nervous system runs various physiological processes without any conscious thought. The ANS controls and regulates all the functions necessary to maintain life and, if we were to get knocked unconscious, it is our ANS that would keep us alive. Some of the key functions controlled by the ANS include:
Blood pressure
Heart rate
Circulatory distribution
All organ functions, including digestion, detoxification and elimination
Immune regulation
Hormonal regulation
Thermoregulation, and more!
The Ultimate Antioxidant and Anti-Inflammatory
Grounding or Earthing is defined as placing one's bare feet on the ground whether it be dirt, grass, sand or concrete (especially when humid or wet). When you ground to the electron-enriched earth, an improved balance of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system occurs.
The Earth is a natural source of electrons and subtle electrical fields, which are essential for proper functioning of immune systems, circulation, synchronization of biorhythms and other physiological processes and may actually be the most effective, essential, least expensive, and easiest to attain antioxidant.
Modern science has thoroughly documented the connection between inflammation and all of the chronic diseases, including the diseases of aging and the aging process itself. It is important to understand that inflammation is a condition that can be reduced or prevented by grounding your body to the Earth, the way virtually all of your ancestors have done for hundreds if not thousands of generations.
The Heath Benefits of Grounding
The most important health consequence of Earthing is providing your body abundant electrons from the Earth. The scientific research and hypotheses related to Earthing point to a major impact on the inflammatory process as a result of this electron transfer.
Your body has evolved a means to kill bacteria using reactive oxygen species (ROS) that are delivered to a site of injury by white blood cells. Although very effective at this task, ROS are also very reactive biochemically and can damage healthy tissues. ROS are usually positively charged molecules that need to be neutralized immediately to prevent them from diffusing into healthy tissues.
That is one of the major reasons why your body needs an abundant supply of negative charges. Food based antioxidants like astaxanthin are helpful but a regular supply of electrons from the earth can supply them as well.
Nature has solved this problem by providing conductive systems within your body that deliver electrons from your feet to all parts of your body. This has been the natural arrangement throughout most of human history. Negative charges have always been available, thanks to the Earth, to prevent the inflammatory process from damaging healthy tissues.
All of this changed when we began to wear shoes with rubber and plastic soles, and no longer slept in direct contact with the Earth. A variety of measures of physiological stress show that the person who is grounded is less stressed and more relaxed. These measures demonstrate a shift from sympathetic to parasympathetic activation, reduction in muscle tension, and increased heart rate variability.
Regardless whether or not grounding reduces exposure to environmental fields, these studies firmly demonstrate that Earthing does not stress the body; in fact, Earthing reduces every measure of stress used in studies.
Grounding May Be the Missing Link to Getting Healthy
Earthing may be one of the most important overlooked factors in public health. When grounding is restored, many people report significant improvement in a wide range of ailments, including chronic fatigue. These changes are rapid and often occur within 30 minutes.
To date all of the individuals who reported that they had inflammatory issues have benefited from Earthing. This includes people with various severe autoimmune diseases.
When you provide your body a constant source of free electrons, through diet or grounding you help to radically reduce inflammation which is widely acknowledged as one of the primary factors contributing to premature aging and chronic disease.
How the Different Types of Electricity Impact Grounding
There are three different forms of electricity:
Direct current (DC) electricity
Alternating current (AC) electricity, and
Static electricity
You Are An Earthly Antenna
Your body is a conductor. You are an antenna for the Earth. When you are ungrounded, electric fields are attracted to your body and create a surface charge – a voltage. You know this to be true if you’ve ever shocked yourself after walking across a carpeted floor.
When living above Earth, your charge is positive; when connected to the Earth, your charge is negative – in other words, you become an opposite charge. You accumulate this surface charge any time you’re not grounded. When your charge reaches 3,000 to 5,000 volts and you touch a metal object, ZAP… this is static discharge, the sudden outflow of built-up electrical energy from your body.
This static electricity is the reason workers in microchip factories must be grounded – so they don’t blow the chips. The same goes for operating rooms. Everyone involved in a surgical procedure must be grounded – the patient as well as the medical personnel. Your skin offers some protection from static electricity, but when it’s open (as in surgery), that protection disappears. In fact, in the early days of open-heart surgery, this lesson was learned the hard way when many patients died from static electricity because patients weren’t grounded.
The higher the conductivity between you and the Earth, the more likely you’re going to be grounded. Proximity is key.
The more distance there is between you and the Earth, the greater the charge on your body. In fact, this has been precisely calculated. For every meter you are above the ground, 300 volts of charge will build up in your body. (See The Feynman Lectures on Physics) So, if you are in a second story bedroom, your charge would be 1000 volts, on average. Do you think your risk for illness could be higher living on the second floor? How about the 5th floor, or the 25th? Indeed, a study in 2009 from the University of Iowa revealed a 40 percent increase in stroke risk among people living in multistory homes.
Besides living and working above ground, invisible electromagnetic fields from devices such as cellular and cordless phones, computers, tablets and other technology assault us around the clock. You are bathed in background electricity from ordinary household wiring in the walls of your home, which contributes to your positive electrical charge and therefore increases the stress on your immune system. And if you are on the computer several hours a day, combined with several calls on your cell phone followed by an hour or two of television, you are getting several more hefty exposures to these unnatural electrical fields. If you want an in-depth discussion about Earth’s electrical surface potential, read this article by Gaetan Chavalier, PhD.

Through infrared imaging we can see inflammation in the legs. Red=inflammation. These pictures were taken 30 minutes apart, before and after grounding. They show a rapid resolution of inflammation as a result of connecting to the earth.
These are pictures of the back of an 85-year old man who had intense lower back and shoulder pain. The second picture was taken after 2 nights of sleeping grounded. After four weeks the patient reported TOTAL RESOLUTION of back and shoulder pain and only some stiffness,

These are the feet of a 52 year old woman before and after 30 minutes of grounding. The right foot and ankle had pretty significant inflammation, while the left foot is barely seen because of poor circulation. Look how grounding helped both!
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