A Plot To Control History
I truly do not search for conspiracy theories because I already know they go back thousands of years. If I constantly looked for them, then I will constantly find them and fear could easily consume me. I choose not to go down this kind of a path because I whole heartedly believe we create our life with our thoughts-words and feelings. I also believe that as long as we are still going in the direction of Oneness and finding out about ourselves and the universe there will be many who cover things up for many reasons. The cover-ups usually revolve around money and power. These governments, religions and wealthy people who participate in cover-ups have never been the ones who have led me to frustration. It's the millions of US who follow without questioning the status quo.
All of these cover-ups have been in PLAIN SIGHT and still the busy US citizen questions NOT. We the people founded this land because we ran away from the religious persecution and desiring gold, land and to explore.
Here's a few questions...."How were the pyramids built? Why did they build them? Why did they line up with constellations? JD Witney (state geologist of California) published a book about the human skeletons and many other findings during the California Gold Rush while digging tunnels thousands of feet into the mountains. Harvard University was the publisher and where is this book? Why aren't these artifacts on display in a museum? Mary Leaky (famous archeologist of our century) discovered completely perfect feet prints at Laetoli, Tanzania. in rock dated 3.6 million years old. Are these findings in a museum? Is this information being presented in our public school system?
Easter Island
Question EVERYTHING! Why have many elongated sculls been found on Easter Island years ago and have not been carbon dated? Why does the Smithsonian keep take archeology findings and hide them away? Who owns the Smithsonian?

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